Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to a New Year. A new YOU.

Resolution: (noun)
1. A firm decision to do or not do to something.

Each year, how many of us make a list, either in our minds or on paper, to do something different?  We strive to be better parents, partners, people.  And how long does that last? Often times not long enough. We are sneaky people. And we are hard on ourselves. We inadvertently set ourselves up for failure.
Not this year.

Personally, 2012 was a damn disaster.  I found myself, while on what seemed to be death's door with the flu, recounting all of the bad things I experienced. I won't bore you with the laundry list of shit we went through. What I found myself realizing was that I was doing the same thing I do at the end of every year: thinking about what went wrong, what I need to do better, and setting up that list of crap I swear I'm going to accomplish in 2013.  The list is unattainable. Impossible even. I am setting myself up to fail.

I am not a very religious person, but a scripture from the Bible spoke well to me in the last 2 days. it before you decide to move on.
Psalm 94:18 When I said, my foot is slipping, your mercy and loving kindness held me up.

Whatever your beliefs, realize that there is something in this world bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you.  When you falter in your resolutions, take a step back. Pare down your mountain of goals. Start with one, when you achieve it, on to the next one (that's a great Jay-Z song by the way.  Keep moving on up that ladder and you will find yourself achieving a place you never thought possible.

Control what you can. Give up what you can't.

Cheers to a wonderful 2013.  The world out there is yours for the taking. Go freaking get it.

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