Friday, January 4, 2013

Don't judge me.

Body language.  It often speaks far more than any words.  Have you ever been turned off in an interaction with someone because of the look on their face or the way they hold themselves? A friend sent me a youtube link this morning from a TED conference this summer.  While it's long (21 minutes) it's well worth the time.  Did you know that body language can dictate your entire life?  If you are single, do you think someone wants to date you if you sit hunched over, arms crossed, with a melancholy look on your face? In a job interview, would you hire someone who's arms were crossed, legs were crossed, slouching in a chair? I wouldn't.

I realized this morning while watching this video that I spend a lot of time with my arms crossed. I find it uncomfortable to stand with my arms at my sides. It's vulnerable. My chest is open. My heart is open. I am letting myself open to judgment. If I cross my arms, you don't want to talk to me. I am closed. My heart is closed. And that way I think you can't judge me.

In reality, we are closing ourselves off from opportunities that can make our lives better.  A new friend, a new job, a promotion in our current job, perhaps even love.

Watch this video.

Open yourself up to powerful posturing at least 2 minutes a day. Believe it or not, your body is designed to be this way. It operates more efficiently and correctly when you open your heart and open your hips. Our chest and hip flexors weren't meant to be tight.  Look at it from a postural standpoint:

Spend a few minutes each day striving for perfect and powerful posture. Open yourself up to judgment. Just don't judge yourself.

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